Done with this engine – for now (until I reassess it again when I put it in context with the rest of the robot). Total polys: 27163; subpatches: 13080. Have to consider this done and get on with the rest of the robot.

The problem with references of the C240 was, just as many other things, that I couldn’t get into the nooks and crannies of the engine. In several places I had to make things up. But some pictures (below) provided some info on its construction. The references also suggested using rubber tubes instead of the metal ones as pictured in the references I originally posted.
As I mentioned earlier, I think I feel that I’m getting my old speed back. Yesterday I didn’t work at all (just played a game :) ). Today I clocked about 9 to 11 hours of work. A lot of it has to do with my block-out approach, some handy scripts, and OS-hooked hotkeys (via AutoHotkey). I’ve modified my shortcuts in AHK so that I have a slew of oft-used commands such as Select Connected, Select Loop, and few combination commands such as Select Conncted > Hide Unselected, and the Move and Rotate tools all available using modifiers and the pen’s buttons. Some scripts, both my own and 3rd-party are making hard-surface modelling much easier.
Next up: main robot torso: continuing with the jeepney body and placing this engine at the rear of the torso. Already started on the jeepney early this week, actually.