Commercial: Hyundai ix35

This was a sub-contract from an Australian vfx vendor. Terry, with an assistant intern (which was more trouble than help), built rickety structures on the bridge and gave it an gloomy look. My main contribution to this was the front-on car shot on the bridge; I tracked the shot in PFTrack, though it couldn’t completely solve it; I had to hand-track to start of the shot. I modelled and shaded broken old wood that the car was driving on, lit and rendered layers in LightWave using Janus, and test-comped it before sending it to OZ.

I admit that it’s nice to have been involved with an ad that simply looks nice, even though I had absolutely no control or even input on how the other scenes — and the ad as a whole — was going to look like. Implicitly taking credit for being associated with the ad’s look is as easy as simply letting others naturally assume it. Let that not be the case here.