Lighting Scene – Gate (insp. Jem Southam)

One of the on-going projects I started late last year was to absorb as many photographs that I touched me and try to recreate those scenes in CG. I wanted to start with this photograph by Jem Southam (“Landscape Stories”). Southam’s photographs are sublime and my choosing of this particular one was more of restraining myself as to give justice to this effort of recreating a piece of art.

As you see above I did not do such a good job regardless. Good thing it’s still a work in progress.

The colour-corrected version is something I was just playing around with; the original was how it was initially graded in Nuke, since I was rendering everything in floating-point (FP).

The colour-corrected image explains that there’s always that bit that wants to exaggerate, to take things more dramatically. It is very easy to do that. I find that that image looks okay; it has drama, it has depth, it has a bit of the unevenness that makes it organic. But it’s not sublime. And I don’t nearly – not by breadth of the Tasman- capture the subtleties found in Southam’s picture.

Well, back to tweaking…