Janus for Mac

It’s a bit too early to shout out, so I’m whispering here in my little blog about Janus for Mac. I’ve restarted development for the Mac. It basically just took a weekend to hunker down and sort what was going with it.

The biggest issue that I came up with was the use of LScript’s store() and recall() functions, where in Windows it uses the registry to store the information. In the Mac, I’m not sure where it ends up, but apparently, calling it those functions multiple times seemed to put LW in a state where it could no longer stream more files into memory. It was as if the i/o was full.

I avoided this by redirecting the functions; this was already facilitated by the fact that they were already housed in custom functions, and all I had to do was make it everything cohesive. I also cleaned up the code so that the array that Janus uses to store settings were more consistent, and that the PC version should remain unaffected by the change.

At this point the Mac seems to be very workable, and I’m probably going to do a few iterations of tests in the coming weeks. And who knows? — it may come out officially soon after that.