Commercial: Mother Earth “Snacks”

I rarely get solo projects, and when I do, it’s often some retail job that either involve the simplest form of motion graphics that a 10-year old could do, or some CG-ish product shot that covers the same old ground that I’ve been treading on for 13 years now.

Well, although, this ad is of the second form (CG-ish product), the fact that it is a solo project is something that always fills me with delight, as I feel freest when I work alone as I move into the pace that suits me best.

For a product ad, for what it is, I think the ad is visually ok. Obviously, it breaks no barriers, but I had fun doing it. I learned a bit more about LightWave’s instancing, added some features and fixed bugs in Janus; it was relaxing to do something on my own, based on my own tastes.