B52 R4

Janus 1.7 B52 R4: released it, and with it a price adjustment to $99 (from the original $199). But the maintenance update marked only bugfixes, and nothing spectacular in of itself. I think the price adjustment is more of the headline.

It’s a bit difficult to keep on reasoning that Janus should maintain the price point it has had for five years. If inflation had anything to say it should have gone up. Of functionality, Janus has increased in bang: in 1.6 where the interface was really streamlined and new workflows were introduced to form a more sophisticated base for later development, and in 1.7 where the offline method was implemented. But Janus dwarfs the price point of its fellow LW plugins – though it has no functional off-the-shelf peer in LW-land – and I’ve received hints from more than a couple of people of the price being the main turn-off.

But some also complain that’s its too technical, and I think that no price is going to compensate for a system that doesn’t feel right for them. Fair enough.