
It’s been quiet here mainly because I’ve been busy with freelance work.

I recently concluded a gig as a rigging TD over at Huhu Studios; that was for about a couple of weeks. It was a good place, though a tad bit quiet and people generally keeping to themselves. It was good to see some familiar faces, however; there were a good number of folks there that were my former students, and they were always great to be around with. It’s good to see them working, too.

More recently, I’m working for a post-production outfit called Toybox working as a generalist on some commercials. Very cool and professional people; I like the atmosphere a lot and the pace is a bit more my liking: always on-the-go. But living up in Snells Beach is a bit of a bother; I get by car-pooling with a friend who actually works in another CG facility across the street. If my gigs get more regular in Auckland, it may be time to consider moving down, I suppose.

I’ve also been working on Janus ever since I managed to make it work for the Mac. Funny thing is, I’ve been trying to get Janus to play nicely with the Mac ever since I released the product. It was only because I had to optimise the Janus GUI recently that I had revived my hope for running on the Mac, having suspected a heavily-laden GUI to be the source of the trouble in the first place. But at that time, I couldn’t be bothered to revamp the GUI because Janus had other issues to contend with.

Just before I got busy with Janus, I completed development (for final release) a LightWave to After Effects utility, which was commissioned by a fellow professional LightWaver who is based in Malaysia. LW2AE, as it is called, is not yet released, but I’m hoping to suss that out when I release Janus for the Mac.

Despite being in the middle of all this, I hope to get one ongoing personal project out of standby-mode soon.