Janus is a LightWave render management system that I have been developing since 2007. It started out as an in-house production tool to facilitate breaking out of passes. It was developed while working on many projects, including the movie Resiklo, in which Janus was invaluable in getting the shots done.
The main thing about Janus is not about the fact that it breaks out passes; many systems of different applications do that. Janus’s point of interest is its unifying organisational facilities and the focus on speeding up setup time.
Maya2LW2 is a set of utility scripts and executables that facilitate the transfer of Maya data into LightWave, and in some cases, vice-versa. Maya2LW2 was a continuing development of Maya2LW which was originally authored by Markus Weiland. However, Maya2LW2 has become a vastly different tool because it uses totally different proprietary binary file formats as intermediates. It also sports particle transfer, and is, in contrast with the original version, production-ready.
Maya2LW2 is not the most user-friendly utility, but it’s production-proven: I’ve used Maya2LW2 on many commercials, television shows, and feature films such as Tiyanaks and Resiklo.
The Old Spread, The New Spread
The Spread is a site containing lots of LightWave scripts that I’ve done in the past.